jueves, 13 de diciembre de 2007

F³ CPM Frag Movie

" A simple cpm movie featuring frags from French cpmers. It has his own style with a look probably never seen for a q3 video. And it's of course made by Le french moviemaker PEZ from Temporal Pictures

This is a multielectrotracks movie, so be sure you have the proper player to display it (VLC, MPC, BSplayer...). Check the readme for further infos.

Resolution:1280*720 and 768*432
Lengh:10 min
Audio: 192kbps and 128kbps

Featuring: French ppl

F³ Cpm Frag Movie [ 580, 275 MB ] by PEZ

MOZAIC - Freestyle Movie

" The movie is 15 minutes long, there are 5+1 trickers starring in it. The creation progress was between 5-6 months. Because of my studies I only made the movie in my free time. The first version was done in july but I didn't really liked the result so I started the whole work from the beginning. I captured all the clips in q3mme 1.52 with my moviemaker config settings in 1920x1080 resolution.

-The creation progress: 5-6 months

-Used Programs: q3mme 1.52 , Virtualdub, Sony vegas

The servant - cells
Muse - New born
Placebo - Bitter end
Rihanna - Umbrella

Avaible versions:

LOW - 800x450, xvid, size: 300 mb
MED - 1280x720, xvid, size: 560 mb
HIGH - 1920x1080, xvid, size: 1600mb "

Featuring: m3n$ro0m, Buddha, Flayzerannyx, Breach, Nibbit, Mccormic

MOZAIC [ 300, 560, 1600 MB ] by rEnk

miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2007

TORNEO DEFRAG - Cuarta Fecha



Inicio: 10-12-07
16-12-07 a las 23:59 Horas en Chile.

- Sin Reset Time
- Enviar Demos a defrag@qzone.cl en formato .zip o .rar.
- El Map esta disponible en los Servers.

Despues del plazo dado se va a postear en www.qzone.cl el ranking de la Tercera Fecha con los puntos obtenidos por cada jugador. "Todos obtienen puntos en el Ranking"

Cualquier duda o consulta ver Foro Defrag

jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2007

Q4Run v0.3.6 beta

Finalmente hace unos dias se libero la primera version de defrag para Quake 4 llamado Q4Run, realizada por Pan-G y Bliccer, la cual viene con 5 mapas.

Para Mas Informacion ver la Pagina Oficial http://q4run.thetobi.eu donde podran descargar Mapas, Screenshots, Etc.

Download Q4Run v0.3.6 beta


Q4Run is a modification for Quake4. Primarily it's based on trickjumping and combining tricks. The first idea behind this mod was to implent timers which makes it possible to finish a specific "run" map in a certain time and then improve it afterwards. Every run will be documented in a demo named after name of player and map and time. If you want you can share those demos with other players so they can watch your skill or can help you to improve it. Comparing to other times you can try to beat them or be proud of yourself because of better records.

In general Q4Run provides these features:

- 8 different gametypes (Run, Teamrun, CTF run, Fastcaps, Fastcaps pro, Unlimited CTF run, Freestyle, Team freestyle)
- 3 timer entities (Starttimer, Checkpoint, Endtimer) for the gametype Run and Team run
- UPS-Meter/Speedmeter
- Angle Meter
- Auto demo recording
- Configurable hud and stats display
- Modified menu (Blue)
- Battlesuit (sounds still missing)

When you start Q4Run the first time and click through the gametypes one question might arise: "What the heck does each of them mean?" For this we wrote a documentation to inform you about them:

Run: These maps include a start and an endtimer. You combine several tricks (depends on the ideas of the mapper) and finish the map with a neat record. At the beginning you have 100hp and the gauntlet as startweapon.

Team Run: Similiar to the Runmode. Just one thing: it's multiplayer only and you need to combine your tricks with those of other players to finish the maps together in one team.

CTF Run: You can play this mode on every ctfmap. The task here is to capture the flag as fast as you can. In "CTF Run" you start with 100 Armor and 100 HP. Your armory enfolds all weapons available on the map.

Fastcaps: Like "CTF Run". The only limitation: you have no weapons.

Fastcaps Pro: The "Pro" stands for no weapons, disabled jumppads, teleporters and movers.

Unlimited CTF Run: The name says everything. You need to capture the flag as fast as you can with all weapons available in the game and you can't hurt yourself.
Freestyle: Freestyle stands for creativity linked with nice combined weapon tricks. Either you jump around on CTF-, Run- or Deathmatchmaps or on maps especially created for FS. Normally those maps are huge and include platforms hanging around in air and other ramps; the paradise for every tricker. But don't forget to record your tricks. Of course you have unlimited ammunition and all weapons.

Team Freestyle: Here you can jump around with other friends and do tricks together.

SDC 50 Owned - Movie

" This video shows best defrag runs from competition called Slovak Defrag Competition, concretely it's 50's round. Nice runs made by best world players, some nice effects and cool rock music. After a long time of editing I want to present you SDC 50 Owned.

Featuring: Dex, KiD, Chronic, w3sp, thundra, nebuLa, Vapour, DrAkon

SDC 50 Owned [ 459 MB ] by Rastm4N

source: http://www.own-age.com/vids/12365


"Well the only reason, why i did this one is just because i wanted to do a movie with q3mme with all that cams, motion blur stuff. ( or better said the way almost everyone is doing movies now) its definately my last movie, last post, iam tired fufufu. have fun watching and thanks to everyone who has downloaded my stuff over the years good bye and stuff " from OPC

Featuring: KOS

KOS LBA RUN [ 90 MB ] by KOS

source: http://www.filefront.com/

TORNEO DEFRAG - Tercera Fecha



Inicio: 03-12-07
09-12-07 a las 23:59 Horas en Chile.

- Sin Reset Time
- Enviar Demos a defrag@qzone.cl en formato .zip o .rar.
- El Map esta disponible en los Servers.

Despues del plazo dado se va a postear en www.qzone.cl el ranking de la Tercera Fecha con los puntos obtenidos por cada jugador. "Todos obtienen puntos en el Ranking"

Cualquier duda o consulta ver Foro Defrag